Thursday, October 31, 2019
Jukushop Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jukushop - Essay Example To ensure effective communication and coordination, Jukushop has an organizational structure which interrelates groups of the organization. Jukushop has adopted divisional structure. Divisional structure is formed when an organization is split up into a number of self contained business units, each of which operates as a profit centre. The division occurs on the basis of the products or market or a combination of the two with each unit tending to operate along functional or product lines, but with certain key functions such as personnel, finance and corporate planning. (Burns and Stalker, 1961) Jukushop has invested heavily on marketing especially in sale promotion. Sales promotion is one of the four promotion mix. The other three are advertising, personal selling, and publicity or public relations. Sales promotions are non-personal promotional efforts that are designed to have an immediate impact on sales. It is usually a media and non-media marketing communication employed for a pre-determined and limited time to increase consumer demand and also to stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples of sales promotions aspects include: discounts and sales, free samples, gifts and incentives, coupons and rebates. In their sales promotion, Jukushop has been targeting both consumers and retailers/wholesalers hence they applied consumer sales promotion and trade sales promotion. (Mitchell, 2005) International Involvement Companies that are international involved have a major market to deal with hence they have to be aware of all the required regulations in the international market. They have to be aware of the requirements with various countries and even join a number of international trading bodies. II. INTERNSHIP GOALS A formalized internship program gives a hands-on experience in ones preferred field so that one can truly determine if it is the right industry for him. It is very important for one to participate in an internship program as one receives the exposure to his chosen industry. The beauty of an internship is that it helps one determine what he is looking for in a career before graduation such that one can make adjustments to his curriculum if needed. Internship helps one to apply the skills learnt in college and allows one to identify opportunities for improvement. Recognizing where improvement is needed is essential for one to have proper skill and become competitive in the job market by the time one graduate. For this case, in my internship, I have received a lot of exposure in the marketing field and more so I have applied what I learn in class. III. TASKS ASSIGNED Jukushop being a house of style of pets that are marketed internationally, I was assigned a number of marketing duties in the organization. I was assigned the duty of formulating marketing strategies for the firm. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to reach marketing objectives. A marketing plan contains a list of specific actions required to successfully implement a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Susan Hills Im the King of the Castle and L.P Hartleys The Go-Between Essay Example for Free
Susan Hills Im the King of the Castle and L.P Hartleys The Go-Between Essay A comparative study of the role of children and the presentation of the experiences in fiction as illustrated in Susan Hills Im the King of the Castle and L.P Hartleys The Go-Between. The world of the child is often one of intense emotion, confusion, pain and suffering and is a rich source of material for the novelist Having only been alive for about twelve years, the lead characters of Im the King of the Castle and The Go-Between are inexperienced. The intense emotion, confusion, pain and suffering that a child would go through is caused by this. Adults have the advantage over children. They have faced these things before and got through them; the knowledge and experience from childhood that they use to get through bad times as adults is what helps them. Not having such weapons, children react very differently. Im the King of the Castle has a prime example of a boy, Charles Kingshaw, being bullied and not knowing what to do; as this had not happened before, he does not have the experience. Leo, the main character of The Go-Between, is an example of how a pursuit of knowledge can harm a naà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ve, inexperienced boy. A novel with children in these situations can be very emotional and is thus a rich source of material for the novelist. The similarities that these books hold become apparent very early on. The main character in both are boys and of roughly the same age. Both Leo and Kingshaw have a personality that makes them vulnerable to the bullying which takes place. Romantic, sensitive Leo was easily manipulated into being the go between for Marian and Ted; his imaginative nature meant that he would always wonder what was in the notes, but his ethical beliefs, based on a school boys code which everyone followed, meant he that could not read the notes as they were always sealed. In class and out I had often passed round notes at school. If they were sealed I should not have dreamed of reading them; if they were open I often read them indeed, it was usually the intention of the sender that one should, for they were meant to raise a laugh. Unsealed one could read them, sealed one couldnt: it was as simple as that. Kingshaw was also very imaginative; his encounter with the crow in the field gave him a weakness, which Hopper exploited. His imagination ran wild, terrifying him in the case of the red room and the crow. He thought that the corn might be some kind of crows food store, in which he was seen as an invader. Perhaps this was only the first of a whole battalion of crows, that would rise up and swoop at him. Get on to the grass then, he thought , get on to the grass, thatll be safe, itll go away. He wondered if it has mistaken him for some hostile animal, lurking down in the corn. He was both attracted and repelled by the red room and what it held, as Leo was with the deadly nightshade. I was prepared to dread [the deadly nightshade], but not prepared for the tumult of emotions it aroused in me. In some way it wanted me, I felt, just as I wanted it; and the fancy took me that it wanted me as an ingredient, and would have me. Though Kingshaw had a brief friendship with Fielding, and Leo had Marcus, they were both, to all intents and purposes, alone. Marcus, being ill, gave Leo the chance to start being the postman, and by the time he was well again Leo was too caught up in it. The more I thought about these expeditions in Marcuss company the more impractical did they seem and the less I liked the prospect of them. Nor, though I practised in deceit and an uncritical upholder of the no-sneaking tradition, did I relish the idea of deceiving Marcus not on moral grounds, for any system of ethics, as distinct from the school code, I barely recognised but because I felt it would spoil our relationship. If Marcus had been there the whole time, Leo would not have been able to start taking the letters. The fact that the boys were both in a new, strange environment, Leo visiting some rich friends and Kingshaw having to move in with these strangers as his Mother was hired as the housekeeper, did not help the feeling of being alone. The only person Kingshaw had was his Mother and, in an effort to fit in, his mother sided with Hooper over Kingshaw in most situations even though Kingshaw was innocent. Charles, how can you speak like that, how can you be so naughty? I didnt touch him. Then why ever should Edmund say that you did? I am quite sure he would have no reason to tell an untruth. Oh yes, he would, hes a sneaky little liar, hed say anything. Well I didnt touch him. Oh, what a way to speak! You make me so ashamed of you. In The Go-Between it was the adults, the supposed carers, who were doing the bullying. In a way, it was similar to Im the King of the Castle, as it was not only Hopper bullying Kingshaw, but the adults, too, bullying them into being friends and siding with Hooper. The similarity in the way the boys relate, Leo and Marcus in The Go-Between and Kingshaw and Hooper in Im the King of the Castle, is also different. Both pairs of friends are fighting physically and verbally. However in the case of Marcus and Leo it is in jest; it is the way they relate as friends, although they are almost rivals. Often when we talked there was a spirit of verbal rivalry between us; we trod the knife-edge between affection and falling out; Yet in the case of Kingshaw and Hooper it is meant as harm: Youd better shut the window, Kingshaw said, its my window now. Hooper turned, hearing the new note in his voice, considering what it meant, and hearing the tremor of anxiety, too. He raised his fists and came at Kingshaw. The scrap was brief and wordless and violent. After that first fight, Kingshaw realises he is capable of a violent act. Hooper has brought out violent impulses in Kingshaw that he did not know were there. Leo, however, never reacted violently to the bullying adults. Though both Kingshaw and Leo almost allow the bullying, Leo does not realise they are bullying him into taking the notes so reacts differently. Whereas Hoopers bullying is more obvious, Ted and Marian are more subtle. Leo does what Marian and Ted say because he likes them. He admires Ted as a male role model substituting for his father and he thinks he is in love with Marian. Also Ted exploits his quest for knowledge, especially about spooning, and his inquisitive nature. Well, [Ted] said, Lets make a bargain. Ill tell you all about spooning, but on one condition. I knew what he was going to say, but for forms sake I asked: What is it? That youll go on being our postman. I promised, and as I promised the difficulties in the way seemed to dissolve. Really he neednt have added that final bribe. Kingshaw, however, acted as he did because of his fear of Hooper. However the power did occasionally switched to Kingshaw. When they were in Hang Wood during the storm and when they were climbing the castle, Hooper became afraid, and Kingshaw was the King of the Castle for a little while, but the power always returned to Hooper. Leo never had the upper hand though. He kept taking the notes right to the end. The most obvious technical difference between these two novels is the narrative. The Go-Between is a first person narrative. It is Leo as an old man looking back at his summer in the house. This gives the story a bias as you can only see the thoughts of Leo, giving the reader a sympathy towards him. Im the King of the Castle is, however, in the third person narrative. In this way, it is more neutral. You can see the thoughts of all the characters, and feel a sympathy for each, in a different way. It helps one to understand the characters a little better. Like the opening of the novel where Mr Hooper comes back from visiting his dying father. I am only showing respect now, to behave towards my father as I should because he is dying, because he is almost gone away from me. This helps the reader see that Mr Hooper is a caring man yet is unable to show or act upon his emotions. Because of changing social circumstances, it is harder to understand the thoughts and actions of Leo. It is hard to accept his naivety. In our society, a twelve year old boy would have no difficulty in coming to the conclusion that these secret business notes were in fact love letters but in the 1900s there was no media or social acceptance of discussing personal relationships. Totally ignorant as I was of love affairs, and little as I knew about their conventions, I felt sure that when a girl was engaged to a man she did not write letters to another man calling him darling. She might do it up until the day of engagement, but not after. It was automatic; it was a rule: like leaving the wicket at cricket when you were out; and it scarcely crossed my mind that to comply with it might be painful. However the idea that a twelve year old boy might kill himself as a result of bullying is more believable as this still happens in todays society as it did in the 1950s. Both books have a suicide at the end though in Im the King of the Castle it was the bullied and in The Go-Between it was the bully. Though these books hold some similarities they are also quite different. Though they both present the children in the same way, having similar personalities and experiences, they present those experiences differently. The role of these children also differs; Kingshaw is seen as a victim, and, though Leo is a victim too, in some ways he is almost considered the hero of the novel.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Importance Of Speaking And Listening Across The Curriculum Education Essay
Importance Of Speaking And Listening Across The Curriculum Education Essay Richards and Rodgers (2001) suggest that there are essentially four methods of teaching which are speaking, listening, reading and writing. An effective teacher achieves a good balance between these four methods throughout their lessons. As speaking and listening are two of Richards and Rodgers (2001) methods of teaching, it is evident that all teachers need to include speaking and listening in their lessons (DES, 1975 cited in Corson, 1990). Literacy involves the integration of speaking, listening and critical thinking with reading and writing (Wray, 2001, pg12). Literacy is the set of skills which allows an individual to engage fully in society and in learning, through the different forms of language, and the range of texts, which society values and finds useful Literacy can take many forms including mathematical expressions, websites, graphs, scientific symbols, signs, body language and cartoons (Paterson, 2007). Speaking and listening are intrinsically interlinked since there is no benefit to speaking if it is not being listened to, even if that means listening to oneself. Speaking can take place in a variety of ways within the classroom. These primarily include questioning, pair work, collaborative group work or whole class discussions. Each of these is suited to different tasks or situations and the success of the activity depends on the planning skills of the teacher (Capel et al, 2009). In terms of how the talking begins, planned talk or questioning is more likely to result in an informative discussion as more preparation will have taken place. Incidental talk at any time during a lesson can be equally as useful but can also more easily lead to idle chat (Capel et al, 2009). Listening is often considered as a skill which is very difficult to perfect (Lewis and Graham, 2003). Wragg and Brown (2001) state that there are four different types of listening; these are skim, survey, search and study. They believe the types of listening range from little awareness to trying to search for the underlying meaning of what is being said. The reasons for these four types of listening could be due to the amount of information which can be conveyed through speech and the challenge of the listener having to process this information (Capel et al, 2009, Wragg and Brown, 2001). In order for literacy to be taught effectively there needs to be some consistency across the curriculum (Paterson, 2007). Literacy should not just be the responsibility of the English department, as it applies to all learning and subjects cannot be taught effectively without speaking and listening. For example, to get a good grade in an exam or essay requires the student to have a good understanding of literacy (DfES, 2003). The Department for Education and Skills (2003), also states that for there to be effective literacy strategy across the school there needs to be a common framework which enables all subjects to work together to achieve the common goal. All subjects need to have the same standards to ensure consistency. The National Literacy Trust (2010) state that every school needs to have a literacy co-ordinator who should be responsible for providing training, recognising the needs of other subjects and developing teacher confidence and enthusiasm. It is important that teachers have the correct opinion with regard to the inclusion of literacy in all subjects ensuring that they regard reading or speaking aloud as ways for students to learn subject content rather than just generating additional workload (Paterson, 2007). Although perhaps taking longer to plan than other activities, speaking and listening tasks could actually save the teacher time as students can take responsibility for some independent learning and creative thinking, which can be followed up by group discussion or questioning. To ensure that the speaking and listening within the classroom is valuable and effective, it is important to make sure that a variety of questions are planned in advance and these questions are aimed at differing abilities to ensure that all students have access to the curriculum (Capel et al, 2009). Open questions should be used to get a better understanding of students knowledge as they require a more detailed and comprehensive answer. Throughout the lesson some pupils should be targeted as it is a good way to assess their level of understanding. Another area which should be considered is pupil response time as some students may take longer to respond not because they do not know the answer they could just be thinking about it (Corson, 1990, Capel et al, 2009). There are some advantages and disadvantages to having discussions within a classroom. Some advantages are that teachers can get a more detailed understanding of a students comprehension of a particular subject area or topic. Fassinger (1995) discusses how speaking and listening can invoke concentration, keep students involved and is a proven confidence builder. However, a disadvantage is that the teacher would be unaware of where the discussion would end up and it could go off track. Teachers also need to take care to avoid sensitive issues with open discussions (Capel et al, 2009). Part of the role of a teacher is to give students feedback on their work to help them to learn and develop further (Murphy, 1997). However, the assessment of a student based on speaking and listening alone can be difficult simply because it is arduous to evidence (Brooks, 2002). For example if the student was relatively quiet and did not say much the teacher may assume that they are not achieving their goals. Too much speaking within an assessment could mean that the conversation has become more general and the student could be talking a lot but not covering a topic in depth. In conclusion, having literacy skills allows people to connect to our society. Richards and Rodgers (2001) state that there are four methods to teaching; speaking and listening account for half of these methods. There are a variety of different ways in which speaking and listening can be used within the classroom to raise and measure achievement and understanding.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Digression in Nikolai Gogols Dead Souls Essay -- Nikolai Gogol Dead S
Nikolai Gogol's masterpiece novel, Dead Souls, remains faithful to the Gogolian tradition in terms of absurdity, lavish detail, and abundant digressions. Although these three literary techniques coexist, interact, and augment each other-the focus of this analysis is to examine how Gogol (or the narrator) deviates from the plotline, the significance of it, and what aesthetic purpose comes from the digression. Although Gogol's marriage to elaboration is at times strenuous-in fact, it is the underlying reason why impatient readers dislike his work-it serves as a function of tone. The author's excruciating amount of detail is a quirk of the narrator. "They turn up when least expected, and by means of their complete departure from the them, they produce a skillful retardation in the flow of the narrative (Setchkarev, 190)." Considering other characters and situations from the Gogolian tradition, it is not unusual that the author/narrator's voice is somewhat like that of a madman. The syntax and attention to detail in the following passage from Dead Souls is exemplary of Gogol's eccentric style and tone: "As soon as the lady agreeable in all respects learnt of the arrival of the agreeable lady, she at once came running into the hall. The ladies clutched each other by the hands, exchanged kisses and cried out as do girls from a boarding-school who happen to meet soon after their schooldays are over but before their mothers have had time to explain to them that the father of one is poorer and of lower rank than that of the other. The kisses had a smack to them and made the dogs bark again, and for this they were spanked with a handkerchief (192)." Arguably, the inclusion of the sound of kisses and the barking of the dog... ...ry Russian Literature. Having such signature literary techniques also makes him either easily loved or hated by audiences. Regardless of whether the reader enjoys Dead Souls, Gogol's digressions create an intended tone, aestheticism, humor, intimate narration, social criticism, and entertainment. Works Cited and Consulted: Gogol, Nikolai. Dead Souls. 1842. Trans. George Reavey. Ed. George Gibian. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1985. Jones, Malcolm V. and Robin Feuer Miller, ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Popkin, Cathy. The Pragmatics of Insignificance. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1993. Setchkarev, Vsevolod. Gogol: His Life and Works. Trans. Robert Kramer. New York: New York UP, 1965. Woodward, James B. The Symbolic Art of Gogol. Columbus: Slavica Publishers, Inc., 1981
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Research: Children With Mental Illness Essay
The purpose of this paper is to critique an article from the National Association of Social Workers, Inc. The article selected is titled ââ¬Å"Child custody loss among women with persistent severe mental illness.â⬠(Hollingsworth, 2004) I selected this article due to its applicability to child protective services which is where my field practicum is taking place. The components of this article are clearly defined and broken down into subheadings as followed: Abstract, Introduction, Theoretical Framework and Research Design, Method, Analysis, Results, Discussion, Implications for Mental Health Policy and Services, Conclusion, and References. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The layout of the article makes it easy for the reader to follow and understand key elements and terms of the research. The title provides a clear cut description of what the article is written about as well. The variables are identified and defined under the ââ¬Å"methodsâ⬠subheading; it also provides a definiti on of individual variables, environmental variables, and how child custody is defined for the purposes of this research. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The statement of the problem is descriptively explained in the introduction and supported with statistical analysis provided in the research article. The purpose is clearly defined under the ââ¬Å"theoretical framework and research designâ⬠section explaining that the study was to test the hypothesis which stated that by researching history of child custody loss among women with severe persistent mental illness the custody loss would be higher than those women who did not have this type of illness. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The hypothesis and research question provide insight into how the author plans to show a correlation and then build effective policies and interventions based upon this evidence. The research question asks ââ¬Å"What are the circumstances under which women with severe mental illness lose custody of their children?â⬠(Hollingsworth,à 2004) This gives the reader a concise question that allows them to visualize the direction of the research itself. The rese arch question is quickly followed by characteristics that have been observed among the participants which define what may have led to a mother losing custody of her child. The article then provides examples of behavior patterns and socioeconomic factors that may impact the variables mentioned. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The theoretical framework and research section re-states the purpose of this research and also provides supportive information as to why this knowledge is important to obtain for the target population mention. The theoretical framework states that the author used the Human Ecology Theory, which fits the problem presented because there is enough past information available, and biopsychosocial elements provided to be able to test the hypothesis and provide reliable/measurable data. (Hollingsworth, 2004) Based upon the information in the article the Human Ecology Theory will view the mother with severe persistent mental illness in her environment, assist in predicting outcomes, and also provide measurable data. The data collected will enable social workers and mental health workers to connect these women and families to the correct resources so that the mother may regain custody and have access to the resources that she requires. The variables presented appear to be appropriate for the problem as it has been defined. The individualââ¬â¢s biopsychosocial information is measurable including whether there is a history of substance abuse and treatment for mental illness. The environmental variables are also measurable by gathering data related to the individualââ¬â¢s neighborhood, child behavior, poverty conditions, and social support. (Hollingsworth, 2004) It is important to mention that each term used in the variables section was further defined and a description was given as to how the information was considered from these separate groups. The author also recognizes that there are factors besides the motherââ¬â¢s mental illness that could play a part in her mental functioning. (Hollingsworth, 2004) I feel that it is important for the author to acknowledge these outlying factors that may influence the data that has been collected. The assumptions made in this article include some bias toward how child protective services and the legal system will treat a mother that has persistent severe mental illness. It is not hard to understand why this assumption is made and it is reasonable to assume that the legal system andà child protective services may assume too much based upon a quick assessment of the motherââ¬â¢s mental state. I feel that the discrimination based on the research information provided is also related to geographic areas more so than others. If there is a low income area that is lacking access to qualified mental health professionals it would be safe to assume that child protective services would remove the children since other resources are not available. The overall design of this article is constructed around quantitative data with the results of the research being constructed around this format; the author also provides some supportive evidence through qualitative research. The design is ap propriate to answering the research questions and providing an easy to follow guide for the readers to digest the information. In my opinion the author also did a good job recognizing different threats to the validity of the data that was collected. The author did this by recognizing what those threats were and how it was accounted for in the data that was collected, and what impact it may have had on the results. The sample selection was appropriately described and broken down into measurable categories. The author stated: ââ¬Å"Participants were identified from among those enrolled in a National Institute for Mental Illness funded three-wave longitudinal study of mothers with severe mental illness.â⬠(Hollingsworth, 2004) The author further explains that the sample size began with 379 women; after wave 3 of the study 322 women remained. (Hollingsworth, 2004) Women were removed from the study throughout the study depending upon different variables listed as disqualifiers, such as a mother losing custody of her child/children for less than three months. Some women chose to remove themselves from the study and others lost contact with the individuals conducting the study at different times which in turn made the women disqualified. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The process of collecting the data is clearly defined under the ââ¬Å"methodâ⬠section of the article. The author describes the structure of the questionnaire as a ââ¬Å"3 wave longitudinal study.â⬠(Hollingsworth, 2004) In my opinion the inconsistencies would come from the participant answering truthfully and consistently within the 3 wave study. In the 3 wave study the data was collected initially through structured interview questions, with some open-ended questions used, this is where some of the inconsistencies could be from depending on who was analyzing the answers. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The author stated that a ââ¬Å"lifeà history calendarâ⬠was included in the 3rd wave to increase accuracy. (Hollingsworth, 2004) Another consideration would be to note that the participants were paid to participate in the study, but the interview was conducted in the privacy of the participantââ¬â¢s home. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The interviews were conducted by a trained female interviewer that was racially and ethnically similar to that of the participant. (Hollingsworth, 2004) This is note-worthy because it shows some variables that were not stated as having a possible influence on the results of the data collected. I would take into consideration that the interviewer, although professionally trained, may have had biases in favor of the participants that were subconsciously conveyed and could have led the participants to answer the interviewer in a particular manner. The results were able to depict what the variables between the participants that permanently lost custody of their children and those that did not lose custody of their children. One interesting finding is that women that were not married were more likely to permanently lose custody of their children. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The hypothesis for this provided by the author is that the married women more than likely had more immediate support in th e home. (Hollingsworth, 2004) One of the variables listed was the behavior problems from the children of women with persistent mental illness; the author notes that in order to determine whether this is the children simply reacting to the motherââ¬â¢s persistent severe mental illness or whether the children have true behavioral issues needs to be studied further. (Hollingsworth, 2004) With that being considered the results found that the childrenââ¬â¢s behavioral issues had little impact on whether or not the mother lost custody. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The implications recognized are geared toward mental health policy and services; the author states that one part of the study that was initially thought of as an individual variable was actually something that could be considered as an environmental factor as well. (Hollingsworth, 2004) The example given was that unmarried women may not be discriminated against due to be unmarried and this being the cause for their custody loss, but may have lost custody due to less resources than someone who has a partner.(Hollingsworth, 2004) The second noteworthy implication is that individuals with active symptoms of psychosis or depression can present a significant risk to their children, so the children are removed for theirà own protection and not due to discriminatory factors.(Hollingsworth, 2004)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Intriguing Author Jack Lon essays
The Intriguing Author Jack Lon essays Jack London has been one of Americas all-time favorite writers and has stood the test of time with his continuing popularity. His writing style, adventure stories and ideas still interest people today. London was influenced by many thinkers and philosophers of his day because of his situation in life. Poverty was one aspect of his childhood and his ideas of redistribution of wealth through socialism show through the characters in some of his stories (Jack London Internet). Survival of animals, and people, in the wilderness supports his ideas of natural selection and survival of a race. Therefore, the importance of Jack London in the development of American Literature can be explained through a discussion of his life, his career, and the time period during which he lived. Jack London had already begun a life of horror even though he had not been born. His mother was deserted by his father, a roving astrologer in London, while she was pregnant (Fogel 240). His original name was Jack Griffith Chaney born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California (240). His mother met a man and married him eight months after his birth whose surname, London he took. His stepfather had already been married and had a child who was Jacks stepsister named Eliza. In 1889 Jack graduated from Oakland Cole grammar school then for a time he worked at any job that came to hand such as a paper boy, bowling alleys, on ice wagons and in canneries and mills (Gordon 205). Unlike most young boys at age eight Jack was very unhappy but found the discovery of books, which would have the greatest effect on his life. The Londons moved frequently in Johns wellment but in effective efforts to make a living (203). In 1893 the Londons returned to San Francisco where he again became a work beast at ten cents an hour in a jute mill and often a coal heaver (204). When ...
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